Tattoos and Pain

How much does getting a tattoo hurt?
Professional tattooists and long-time collectors sometimes tend to forget what it was like to be on the other side of the chair for the first time.It's true that everyone has a different threshold of pain.
What one person considers not painful at all could be devastating to another. Some people describe the feeling as a "hot scratch". Some have said it was "annoying". Most say it was not nearly as bad as they feared. But there is a little more than pain alone to consider when getting a tattoo.

Tattoos and Pain

Pain is usually not the culprit when someone faints during a tattoo.If you have a fear of needles or blood, getting a tattoo isn't going to be easy.Another thing you can do is get your tattoo somewhere on your body where you will not be able to watch the work going on.

Tattoos and Pain

Another thing to consider is the fact that nearly everyone is nervous when they go to get a
tattoo.This is your body's natural defense - endorphins.Your own endorphins will kick in and help to ease any pain or discomfort you are about to deal with. The first 60 seconds is usually the worst, and then when you realize it's just not that bad, you calm down and the rest is smooth sailing.

Tattoos and Pain

Tattoos and Pain

The last step in getting a tattoo is very important — taking care of the tattoo until it fully heals. Follow all of the instructions the studio gives you for caring for your tattoo to make sure it heals properly. Also, keep in mind that it's very important to call your doctor right away if you see or feel any signs of infection such as pain, spreading redness, swelling, or drainage of pus.

Tattoos and Pain