Chest Tattoo For Women - Hot Designs and Ideas For the Best and Sexiest in Female Designs

If you have been considering getting a chest tattoo then now is the time. These are one of the hottest tattoos ever and they have honestly stood the test of time. Not only they but they are growing quickly in popularity now. With the advancements in color ink, feminine tattoo designs and the popularity of these great tattoo it has never been a better time to get a chest tattoo for women then now.

Locating The Design

Often one of the main reasons a person does not go and get a tattoo is lack of a design or idea. Often people have already made up their mind that they want a tattoo of some sort. They might have even chosen the location but finding the right design can be downright frustrating. The best way to go about locating a design is to take a bunch of ideas of things you have seen and like and even some possible designs and then consult with a professional tattoo artist. They will be able to easily listen to you and what you are after and then shape a design that is just right for you using the resources and ideas you bring to the table.

Design Shapes For Good Fit

A chest tattoo typically covers right under the collar bone area and across the upper part of the chest. This is a rather large tattoo and a good time commitment from the person seeking the tattoo. Therefore you want to consider the design carefully and match it to fit well in the area. Typically large rectangular shapes with a slight concave of v shape to them work best. Also since chest tattoos are such classics it can often be a good to look at the classic designs out there. You can always add to the design to make it unique and your own. However, anchors, swallows, a banner and other such classic themes can easily be restyled with new ink colors and a good conversation with your tattoo artist will help easily come up with something you are going to love.


This is not meant to discourage anyone wanting to get a chest tattoo for women design however; you should know all the facts and plan for them ahead of time. One of the main considerations with chest tattoo is the professional setting you work in. Do you need to cover up tattoos and will you be able to cover it up easily? If not then you might want to look at a smaller design done a bit lower down the chest. Another consideration is the cost. Since chest tattoos are typically pretty large and often intricate pieces it can take some money to invest in such a design.

Overall chest tattoos are definitely growing in popularity. These days anything to do with women and tattoo designs is growing rapidly. Due to this rebirth of women and tattoos there have been tons of new bold design styles and ideas out there. Remember it is best not to rush the process. Instead find designs and ideas you like first. Then take you time to locate an artist that you can work easily with.

Celtic Tattoo Art

Celtic tattoo art come from Ireland. Celtic knot tattoos are some of the most popular and most common designs, featuring loops with no end that symbolize a never ending cycle of dying and rebirth. There are also Celtic cross and animal tattoo designs as well

Mori Tribal tattoo Art

The Maori, the aborigines of New Zealand, call their tribal tattoo "Moko" and Mori art is incredible to behold. To the Maori, a person's Moko designs enhanced their prestige and show transition from one social status to another. At its highest level, Moko designs proclaimed the sacredness of chieftainship.

North American Tribal Art

There are many Indian tribes in North America and many different traditions for tribal tattooing. It was very common for tattoos to denote rank within the tribe. Take the Illinois Indians for example. It was quite common for weapons of war to be tattooed upon the men and it is suggested by some that the women received tattoos of tools used for labor. The tools of war outranked the tools of labor. This was, to the best of my knowledge, their tradition. They seemingly kept their practices to a minimum.

Picking Mythical Images For Tattoo Designs

Tattoos are rising in popularity and becoming more mainstream, much to the dismay of tattoo fans worldwide. With the number of people seeking plastic surgery on the rise, body art and body modifications, such as tattoos and piercings, are now commonplace. Tattoos can now be found on the bodies of everyone from fashion conscious teenagers to grandmas and everyone in between.
With the increase in the number of people getting tattoos, the only way to look different is to carry a truly unique tattoo style. This is the reason why more and more people are seeking unique tattoo designs. A unique tattoo design will make one truly stand out and attract a considerable amount of attention from others, either admiration or disgust, depending on the kind of reaction you are after. While some choose more abstract tattoo designs, using a well known mythical creature in your tattoo is one way of getting something unique while allowing people to instantly recognize your tattoo design. Believe it or nor, instant recognition of your tattoo is a good thing because people will perceive the qualities attributed to the mythical creature to the person wearing it. For example, a young woman with a fairy tattoo on her lower back will attract the attention of men who will attribute the qualities of a fairy to her and will believe her to be exciting and spontaneous even before they speak to her! Such is the power of tattoos of mythical beings.
If you are considering getting a tattoo of a mythical creature, listed below are some of the best creatures to experiment and interpret in your own special way.
Fairy Tattoos: When one sees a pretty fairy tattoo, Tinkerbelle comes to mind. Lightness of being, a fun spirit and good nature are immediately attributed to the wearer. Interestingly when a fairy tattoo is inked with dark overtones: dark bat wings, horns on the fairy, missing eyeballs etc, the interpretation is completely different and complex. This way a fairy tattoo can fit anyone, from a young girl to a middle aged biker, depending on its interpretation and the actual design.
Dragon Tattoos: Dragon tattoo designs are a perennial favorite because there are good and bad dragons in mythology. This allows dragon designs to be wide open to interpretation. Dragon tattoos are eye-catching and look really attractive. The complexity of the creature's body allows for some awe-inspiring designs that will have people staring at your dragon tattoo admiring all the details in it. Getting a dragon tattoo will instantly enhance your personality by adding dimensions of complexity and mystery. Dragon tattoo designs look great on men due to the masculine qualities attributed to them.
Angel tattoos: Angel tattoos are wonderfully versatile. They span the range from angelic to the truly evil. They could be infant like, for ex: cupid, or they could be scary looking fallen-angel types, aka, the devil. This wide range allows for wonderful interpretations on angel tattoos. Pair them with other images and you could create a unique visual story with your tattoo.
There are lesser known mythical creature tattoos that you might want to look at, such as phoenix tattoos, wizard tattoos and unicorn tattoos. The beauty of picking a mythical creature for your tattoo is that you can get a tiny tattoo somewhere on your body or a large one covering your entire back and it will still retain it's magic and power to impress.

Feminine Cute & Sexy Tattoos For Women - Tattoos Designs For Girls on the Foot, Ankle & Wrist

Feminine Cute & Sexy Tattoos For Women - Tattoos Designs For Girls on the Foot, Ankle & Wrist 

Every girl wants to have a great looking tattoo design that enhances their overall look. However, finding feminine and cute tattoos for women can at times be frustrating. Searching online or at your local tattoo shop for the right ankle or foot tattoo can be hard. It sometimes takes hours of searching to come up short. Here is a list of ideas to get your own thoughts flowing. It is not a complete or exhaustive list of tattoo designs for girls by any means but it at least gives you some great ideas and locations to get a tattoo design and how to make it cute, feminine and sexy all at the same time.

Feminine Cute & Sexy Tattoos For Women - Tattoos Designs For Girls on the Foot, Ankle & Wrist

Possible Designs
There or course are a ton of designs out there and what you pick is a matter of person choice. What one person thinks is cute or sexy might be different then another person. So whenever choosing a tattoo design it is important to pick something for you and not for anyone else. In other words don't pick a tattoo because your friend likes or doesn't like it but pick a design that you think is feminine or sexy or whatever look you are after. These are just some popular ideas.
  • Cherry Blossoms - Cherry blossoms make a great tattoo that can be done in a pretty small location such as a wrist or foot or even around an ankle. Cherry blossoms are a beautiful lower that symbolizes the beauty and shortness of life and it is a symbol that is meant to remind the person to live life to the fullest.
  • Fairy Tattoos - Fairies work great in just about any location on the body. If you are not sure about the foot or ankle a fairy design can easily be done on the hip, shoulder or just about anywhere. The other great thing about a fairy is it doesn't necessarily have a meaning already ascribed to it. It is more about the design and look of the fairy that you choose. You can go for a shy coy fairy or a sexy hot fairy or even an evil scary looking fairy if you want something tough.
  • Tribal Designs - Tribal designs are typically more the domain of men. However, more and more women are choosing traditionally male designs and femininzing them. It is not really a word but it best describes the process of taking a tattoo and adding a cute feminine touch to it. So instead of a think black line tribal design one might chose something with more swirls and color to it and make it look cute. Tribal tattoos make good bracelet designs that wrap around an ankle or wrist but can also be done on the top of the foot or just about anywhere else.
  • Star Tattoos - Star tattoos have always been popular among women. You can get a cute cluster of small stars just about anywhere on your body. Stars typically are mysterious and represent beauty. If you want something a little bigger you can always opt for a shooting star or a nautical star design for something with a bit of an edge to it.
Feminine Cute & Sexy Tattoos For Women - Tattoos Designs For Girls on the Foot, Ankle & Wrist

Think SmallWhile the design is important it is not the only thing that can make a tattoo design for girls look sexy or cute. It also has to do with size and typically women tend to get smaller designs to make them look cute. However, you are not locked into that and a big design can also look very cute depending on the location and the chosen subject of the tattoo. Just keep in mind you are free to be creative and have fun with the design and choose a size that express something about you and something that looks great to you.
Think Location
Another important part of choose a sexy tattoo design is the location. Choosing an intimate or hidden location can often make the tattoo the perfect adornment. Something like the top of the foot, the wrist, ankle, back of the neck and hip are all areas that you might want to consider. Putting a tattoo in these areas accentuates the natural beauty and sexiness of the area.
Think Sexy
Most importantly no matter what tattoo design you choose the ultimate goal is the design should be something you think is cute and sexy. If you are into the tattoo and really feel passionate about it you will carry yourself in a different manner when you get it inked on your body. Being confident and assured in who you are and knowing yourself well are all way more sexy then the location of design of the tattoo.
Again it is important to take your time and select the tattoo carefully. Think about a feeling, emotion or value that you want to reveal about yourself and then design the tattoo to symbolize this. Don't rush into getting a tattoo design and enjoy the time you spend looking for it. The more effort you put into the final design and the more meaning you add to the tattoo you choose the more meaningful it will be to you in the end and then the sexier it will be. There are a ton of great sexy tattoo designs for women at this site. You might not find the exact tattoo at the site but it will give you a ton of resources and designs to work from in creating your own work of art. Also if you want to know more about designing a tattoo [] check out our main site for free..

Small and Sexy Tattoo Designs For Girls - Butterfly, Flowers, Fairy and Star Tattoos

Small and Sexy Tattoo Designs For Girls - Butterfly, Flowers, Fairy and Star Tattoos

Girls not only want to have fun with their tattoos, they also used them to express themselves. A hibiscus flower on the shoulder blade perhaps, a cherry blossom tattoo on the foot or a cute butterfly on the hip; whatever art she chooses, it can definitely add to her trendy and sexy persona. Here are the top small tat designs that are in the list of girls' favorites.

Small and Sexy Tattoo Designs For Girls - Butterfly, Flowers, Fairy and Star Tattoos
Sexy Tattoo Designs
Butterfly will always be timeless and classic because of their versatility and flexibility not to mention the symbolical meaning attached to it that a girl can always relate to. They can be inked in full colors or just plain black and still look awesome. They can be executed with tribal or Celtic styles or combine with other elements such as flowers or vines. They are associated with change, transformation and freedom which are all part of the stages that a girl go through in her life.

Small and Sexy Tattoo Designs For Girls - Butterfly, Flowers, Fairy and Star Tattoos

Flowers are naturally pretty and attractive. With their visual appeal plus the different meanings they represent, they have become an all time favorite. The most popular ones are the roses, cherry blossoms, lilies, lotus and hibiscus. They all symbolize beauty and strength which are both empowering for a girl's character.
Star tattoos are another design with wide adaptability and versatility. They can be inked alone or in clusters as shooting stars or constellations either in full colors or black ink. No matter how they are portrayed, star tats seem to naturally shine when inked on one's body.
Fairy tattoos seem to represent a girl's innocent yet naughty and playful side. They are cute, pretty and magical winged creature that can fly and cast spells with their wand or pixie dust. As a tattoo art, they definitely look dainty and charming.
These are just some of the tattoo designs that would still look beautiful and interesting even if they are tattooed on a miniature scale. They are best when inked on small areas of the body such as foot, ankle, wrist, upper back, and even lower back and shoulder blade.

Hibiscus Flower Tattoos

Tattoos are a means of portraying one's inner self as well as his or her ideas or emotions. The hibiscus is a flower whose portrayal as a tattoo can bring out these features in an effective manner. It also serves as a popular substitute for the more common ideas of using roses or other standard flora. The flower can reflect various ideas with the idea of it as a delicate piece of art being one of the most popular ones. Other than this, another meaning behind using the imagery of this flower is to be opportunistic. The tattoos' colours range from bright purple to red to pink hues that properly represent the Hawaiian flower.

Egyptian Isis Tattoo

Ancient Egyptian culture has contributed much to nowadays tattoo industry. Egyptian tattoo designs have become a sought after art and a visual artifact of Middle Eastern ancient history.
The ancient Egyptians utilized tattooing for body decoration, religious purposes and social class distinction. The mummy of Amunet, was discovered in Thebes, Egypt, and dates back almost 4000 years. This mummy shows one of the earliest known examples of this type of tattooing.
These ancient Egyptian tattoos consisted of elaborate dash and dot patterns often used for fertility rites or ceremonies. Thus, many of these tattoos were commonly used by females. Although tattooing was a regular ritual for the ancient Egyptians, such practices are not nearly as common nowadays in modern Egyptian culture.
However, the popularity of Egyptian art and symbols has significantly risen in popularity in many Western countries, including the United States and other parts of North America. It is in these regions that the Egyptian designs have really begun to take off.
The variety of intriguing part-human part-animal gods and goddesses of ancient Egyptian are now being commemorated in intricate tattoo designs. The other Egyptian figures that are popular in today's Egyptian tattoos include: Bastet, Isis, Osiris, Amun, and Amun Ra.
Many ancient symbols and hieroglyphics are often incorporated into larger-scale tattoos as well. Pyramids, Sphinxes, cats, phoenixes and scarabs are popular.
So are objects taken from the ancient Egyptian religious amulets like the cross of life called 'ankh', snakes, scorpions and the eye of Horus.
Today, Society's involvement with all Egyptian related things is driven by society itself. Mummy and tomb excavations, museum exhibitions, specials on the Discovery channel, and Hollywood movies on Egypt and the mystery that surrounds it
keep a constant interest in this culture. The mere images of the Pyramids and the great Sphinx raise curiosity in all kinds of people. It is obvious why Egyptian tattoos are so popular.
Egyptian tattoo designs also give tattoo artists a great chance to showcase their artistic talent. From intricate shape designs to complex color schemes, Egyptian art is well known for its detail and complexity. So for a skilled tattoo artist and a dedicated wearer, Egyptian tattoos are the best choice. Any combination of symbols or images is possible, and the limits are constantly being expanded. This beautiful and mysterious historical art, rich in its signs and symbolism, will certainly remain with us for years to come. Egyptian tattoos are here to stay.

Mermaid Tattoos

The ancient Greeks had their Sirens, whose haunting songs lured many a seafarer to his death. And the fifteenth and sixteenth century explorers returned to Europe with tales of sea creatures who had the heads and upper torsos of a woman and fishes' tails instead of legs. They claimed that these mysterious and beautiful creatures were as deadly as the Sirens of old, and would lure men into the water by pretending they were drowning, only to squeeze their unsuspecting victims to death.
Sailors were the first to wear mermaid tattoos, possibly because they had no other way of capturing the mermaids' beauty. For generations mermaid tattoos were seen exclusively on men who made their living at sea; but as tattoos became more widely accepted as appropriate for everyone, the exotic and glamorous mermaid began to show up on all sorts of arms and torsos. She appeared not only in her traditional forms, but also as water nymphs; fairies; and even characters from mainstream culture, like the cartoon character Ariel from Disney's The Little Mermaid.
The mermaids in mermaid tattoos are invariably inked with long flowing hair which appears to be waving seductively in the water. The ancient often depicted Aphrodite, their goddess of love and fertility, with long hair; and the comb which is an element in both portrayals of Aphrodite and in mermaid tattoos had significant sexual meaning for the Greeks.
But mermaid tattoos, somewhat surprisingly, have become as popular among women as they have been for centuries among men. There is no denying that mermaid tattoos simply glow with mystery, femininity, and the hint of primal creative forces, and they are now decorating the shoulders and backs of as many females as males.
Mermaid tattoo designs are ideal for positioning on rounded bodily contours, because the mermaids are often drawn in curved and twisted poses. They may contain a single mermaid or a group set against an underwater backdrop with coral, fish, and treasure chests, and or reclining in a seashell. Mermaid tattoos, perhaps more than any except floral tattoos, allow a tattoo artist to indulge in a full palette of colors.
The blatantly voluptuous forms which were typical of mermaid tattoos during the years of World War II have now been joined by a wide range of mermaid tattoos in different styles. From the sharply defined simple black lines of tribal mermaid tattoos, to the riveting plaitwork of Celtic mermaid tattoos, to the dazzling sea colors, golden carp, and dragons of Oriental mermaid tattoos, mermaid tattoos are as captivating today as the mermaids of myth were to seafaring men centuries ago.

Sexy Lower Back Tattoo Ideas - That's What Makes You Hot!

Sexy Lower Back Tattoo Ideas - That's What Makes You Hot! 

It's hard for a lower back tattoo not to be sexy on a girl. Their placement makes it the perfect sexy tattoo, but there are some sexy tattoo designs that really get the juices flowing for the opposite sex.
Sexy Lower Back Tattoo Ideas - That's What Makes You Hot!

If you're considering a back tattoo and don't want them to be too cutesy, there are designs out there for you that will really stand out when you want them to. Just be aware that these tattoos are visible whenever you bend over in most casual outfits so dress appropriately when you don't want to be the center of attention.

Sexy Lower Back Tattoo Ideas - That's What Makes You Hot! 

Symmetrical tattoo designs that branch from the spine out look really good on the back. If you're looking for some sexy symmetrical or spreading middle designs, these are some ideas for you:
o Vines spreading out with roses blooming from them look very sexy. Every rose has its thorn, right? A tattoo design like this is really enticing.
o Any sort of symmetrical henna design starting at the lower spine and swirling out looks great. These are always sure to grab attention.
o A fairy or butterfly wing design coming from the middle are really playful and sexy at the same time. What's better to feel like a goddess than to have wings that you can show off?
A string of stars or hearts, or even a bar code make for some more sexy lower back tattoos for girls. It's really hard to go wrong with a symmetrical tattoo design on your lower back.
If maybe symmetry isn't your thing and you want to branch out from that other girls get, then a standalone design can also look fantastic on your lower back. If you're not going for symmetry you can also get a lower back tattoo closer to one of your hips. You are not tethered to getting a tattoo in the middle of your lower back! Here are some sexy tattoo ideas for your lower back:
o A flower is always sexy, no matter where it is. A flower right in the middle might put some off, but if you're more bold, this is definitely the way to go! A beautiful rose or orchid tattoo design really says something about how bold you are.
o Chinese calligraphy makes for a great tattoo. Some may say it's an overdone, but having your name or a description of yourself tattooed on your lower back looks very sexy. Just be sure to make sure that what you think is getting tattooed onto your body is really what the tattooist says it is!
o An intricate sun or moon design tattooed on your lower back is a little classy and it looks good. There are thousands of detailed solar tattoos out there and they look fabulous. Want to be the rising sun or moonlight in your special someone's life? These sexy designs can help it happen.
These are just a few ideas, there are millions of sexy lower back tattoo designs for girls out there, symmetrical, in the center, off to the right, or off to the left. There is a specific one out there for you.

Shoulder and Lowerback 3d Tattoos Design For Man

3d tattoos design ideas

alien 3d tattoos design
3d star tattoos design ideas
3d cross tattoo design ideas on back body
Tattoos 3d is one ideas which very interesting. Very difficult to make 3d tattoos on our body. The tattoos creator must have a imagination which very good for make it. Looks example tattoos 3d above, They are cross tattoos , shoulder tattoos and some tattoos ideas.

Cross tattoos above is one ideas which very interesting for cross tattoo lovers. are you like with cross tattoos ?? 3d cross tattoos above can you save to your PC and i hope this very usefull for you.

The Most Arm Sensual Tattoo With The Great Design for Woman

Most Arm Sensual Tattoos Design 12011 Most Arm Sensual Tattoos Design Photography gallery

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Jessica Simpson Show Her Beauty Hand And Henna Tattoo

Jessica Simpson Temporary TattooJessica Simpson brought back an unusual souvenir from her holiday to India, henna tattoos on her hands.

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Sexy Lower Back Tattoos Butterfly In Sexy Woman

Sexy Lower Back Tattoos Butterfly In Sexy WomanSexy Lower Back Tattoos Butterfly In Sexy Woman Photos

Design Your Own Tattoo For a Unique Look That Will Portray the Real You

Design Your Own Tattoo For a Unique Look That Will Portray the Real You

Do tattoos interest you? Tattoos have been described as a most unique form of body art and better yet, unlike most other fashions if that is what you want to call it as some do, it is a practice that has stood the test of time for centuries. Tattoos served cultural purposes years ago and today they represent ways in which we define ourselves through body art and symbolism or even literal meanings as well as attempt to be fashionable by having a visually attractive design for a tattoo. Whatever the inspiration is behind getting a tattoo, it helps to know that you can always design your own tattoo.

 Design Your Own Tattoo For a Unique Look That Will Portray the Real You

Uniqueness is not always necessary but is certainly something you can achieve in your own mind. Especially if you have the ability to draw, you can create something that has your own signature so to speak. In some other cases you may have a certain symbol or other thought in mind that would make for a great tattoo. Whatever the case is, either you can come up with a design or a tattoo artist can help with that.
Once you decide on a tattoo design, approach the situation with some smarts. While you can design your own tattoo, trust only a highly professional artist to transfer that idea into a tattoo that will ultimately look good on you. Some may get stuck with unimaginative tattoos for decades but you do not have to if you come up with your own design!
If you are truly serious about designing your own tattoo, then go to this website fast: Design your own tattoo

Triple Diamond Tattoos For Life Energy

Triple Diamond Tattoos For Life Energy 

People get tattoos for many reasons. Often they are a symbol of personality or to remember important events or people in their lives, but there’s now a new trend in tattoos. Many people believe that a simple triple diamond shaped tattoo inked on different parts of the body can bring energy. If you’re looking to add focus into your work life, love life or friendships, consider one of these special tattoos.
A Triple Diamond Tattoo On The Arm Brings Positive Energy To Friendships
Placing a triple diamond tattoo on the arm will bring you positive energy to your friendships. It is thought that arms are used to reach out to friends in need and by placing a tattoo on one of your arms; you open yourself up to receiving that positive focus.
Many people find that the tattoo helps them make new friends or rekindle old friendships that were thought to be lost forever. The tattoo can be placed on the forearm or bicep – either placement will help bring positive focus so it’s just up to you to decide where you’d rather have the tattoo.
A Triple Diamond Tattoo On The Chest Brings Positive Energy To Love
This special shaped tattoo on the chest can help bring positive focus to your love life. For the best focus, place the tattoo over your heart, but if you can’t do that, get the tattoo as close as possible. Many people who have gotten this special shaped tattoo quickly find themselves meeting a special someone and starting a serious romantic relationship.
If you have a special loved one already and you’re trying to improve or strengthen your relationship, consider also adding your loved one’s name beneath the tattoo. The simple act of placing the name underneath the tattoo means all the positive focus will be on that one person, helping your relationship grow stronger.

Triple Diamond Tattoos For Life Energy
Diamond Tattoos
A Triple Diamond Tattoo On The Foot Or Ankle Brings Positive Energy To The Workplace
The triple diamond tattoo placed on the foot or ankle often will help bring positive energy to the workplace or help with a job search. The theory behind this is that your feet and legs can help you move towards prosperity and good fortune in the workplace.
Triple Diamond Tattoos For Life Energy
Diamond Tattoos
The tattoo can bring you focus whether you’re searching for a new job or just wanting to improve your current work situation or status. People who have tried using these tattoos have reported promotions, new jobs and bonuses, all which have improved their financial situations.
Whether you’re looking to build more meaningful friendships, spark your love life or find satisfaction in your career, one of these special tattoos may help. The tattoos can strengthen friendships or help you develop new ones, improve your love life and even bring financial wealth into your life. These tattoos can go a long way toward improving your life and have convinced even the biggest of skeptics with their powers.

Johnny Christ Tattoos

Born on November 18th 1984 with the full name Jonathan Lewis Seward. Personnel youngest in Avenged Sevenfold. He did not attend the same high school with another. Meet with them through his older brother. Johnny is the third bassist for Avenged Sevenfold. He's also the shortest in the band's personnel only 5'4 ", he was also very fond of tattoos.

Jessica Szohr Tattoos

Celebrity tattoos always interest us, so ink was on our mind when we approached the lovely Jessica Szohr at Tracy Reese today. We spotted one obvious tat on the "Gossip Girl" star's foot, and asked "What's the meaning behind your tattoo?"

"Which one?" Szohr laughed, revealing that her extremities were decorated with more then a few.

Jodie Harsh Tattoo

Jodie Harsh says on his website that his 'tache tatt is so he can play with the notion of gender, which is what he's all about.

Sexy Angel Tattoo - Get One Where it Hurts

A sexy angel tattoo has become one of the most popular themes recently and there are thousands of designs to suit any arm, leg, ankle or wherever you fancy one. So where would you put it? It really depends on the size of the angel tattoo design. If it is large, with great spreading wings, then the obvious place is on the back where there is plenty of space.
Smaller tattoo designs have much more options on where you put them and also look less aggressive that the large ones. An angel on the inner thigh has got to be one of the most sexy places you can put them but don't overlook other great areas.

Sexy Angel Tattoo - Get One Where it Hurts
 Sexy Angel Tattoo

The nape of the neck is a wonderful place to have a tattoo but of course you can never really look at it yourself. This isn't always a bad thing, you'll never get tired of seeing it and of course it is a really sexy part of the body.
An ankle tattoo is another cool place for an angel. It is easily covered when you don't want it to show but can be on view when you want to attract attention. Some people say that this is a painful area to have a tattoo because there is never very much fat under the skin but I didn't find any difference.
Don't rush into getting the first design you see. Try to find something original, interesting or funny when picking your sexy angel tattoo. Try an chose a design that reflects an aspect of your character or outlook.
It is your body so the final decision is up to you. For the very best designs of a sexy Angel Tattoo you can visit where you can also find thousands of original and traditional designs where something is sure to suit you.

Hottest Tattoo Designs For Girls and Sexy Places of Tattoos

There is no better way to express one's self than with a tattoo. But unlike in the past, society now allows girls to get tattoos just like the boys. In fact, most men find it tattoos on girls extremely sexy especially with the appropriate design and when placed at the most strategic places of the body.

When it comes to popular female tattoos, butterfly tattoos rank first in the list. There is that sense of playfulness that comes with butterfly tattoos which works well for the ladies. We all know that women, even if it is generally acceptable now to don tattoos, are quite conservative with having their skin printed with ink which is why they go for smaller and daintier tattoos. Together in the same category as butterflies are flowers, stars and fairies. They all come from a mystic realm that women often associate with fiction-wise.
These tattoos are likened to that as accent pieces that women only have in selected parts of their body. The sexiest places to have a tattoo is on one's nape, the back of the shoulder, lower back, the rib cage, ankle and foot. These places allow the women to be able to hide their tat easily but at the same time, they can catch the attention of the opposite sex. Nothing screams as sexy as when a lady flips her hair to reveal a tattoo on the back of her shoulder or when a woman bends down to reveal an floral design on her lower back.
For more photos and ideas for Sexy Tattoos for Girls, check out the Printable Tattoo Gallery online.

Sexy Tattoo Ideas For Women - Classy Yet Sexy Feminine Tattoos

Sexy Tattoo Ideas For Women

The first thing you want to think about is what you want in a tattoo-do you want a specific shape or graphic, or something that is a tattoo artist's original design? Or maybe you want a word or character, whether in English, another language with Roman characters, or something in Gaelic, Chinese, or Russian, for example. The best advice is just to be creative and have fun with this-it's all up to you, after all.

Based on what specific image you have in mind, that will be related to where you will want to put it-for example, you wouldn't want a tattoo of angel wings on your face, would you? On your back, though, that's a completely different story. One idea that's really popular right now is to get a ring of flowers or a word or phrase spelled out tattooed around your belly button, waist, wrist, or ankle.
Other locations which are less image-specific which are really hot right now include the upper chest, inner thigh, hand, hip, lower back, upper back, back of neck, shoulder (front or back), and toes and fingers.
Some classic images for women have always been hearts and flowers. With the talent and creativity of today's tattoo artists (and yourselves!), though, almost anything is possible. Particularly interesting when designing or selecting the perfect tattoo for you is the wide variety of colors from which you can choose. There's also different kinds of ink out there from which you can choose, depending on what you're looking for.
One thing that's really great about tattoos is how much freedom you have when you make your selection(s). Since tattoos can be about expressing yourself to the world, if you can dream it, a talented tattoo artist can make it yours.
The most important thing about the decision process, however, is that you have fun with it. Knowing what you want is part of what makes you unique, but you don't have to go it alone-hence why there are tattoo ideas for women available here!
For more sexy tattoo ideas and designs, please visit: Tattoo Ideas!

Phoenix According To Chinese Mythology 

According to Chinese mythology, the phoenix is the symbol of grace and virtue and is second only in importance to the Dragon. It represents the union of yin and yang, and was a gentle creature associated with the Empress, who alone could wear its symbol. The feathers of the Chinese phoenix were black, white, red, green and yellow - the five primary colours. In Japan, the phoenix is found carved into sword hilts, and the image of the bird seen as embroidery on kimonos. Along with the sun, the phoenix is one of the emblems of the Japanese Empire. In Japanese tattooing the phoenix is often twinned with the the dragon, symbolizing yin and yang, the harmonious combining of the best of the feminine and masculine virtues.