These were bad enough to bring my posting back from the dead

So as I'm sure you can tell, I haven't been posting here a lot lately. I've been busy at work, and haven't really come across many new tattoos that are worth mentioning. However, I got an email a few days ago that seriously shook me up. Check out these terrible tattoos, all by the same artist working out of a "pro" shop.

Was the kanji there already, and the rest of the tattoo worked around it? Or was it all designed in one piece? Why is the kanji overlapping with the star? What is that weird black V at the top? It's all a total mystery, and it's all TERRIBLE.

This just makes me think of a pile of pubes, I'm sorry.

...... I don't even know what to say about this. It's not as terrible as the others but it just seems so... sad.

These were bad enough to bring my posting back from the dead

So as I'm sure you can tell, I haven't been posting here a lot lately. I've been busy at work, and haven't really come across many new tattoos that are worth mentioning. However, I got an email a few days ago that seriously shook me up. Check out these terrible tattoos, all by the same artist working out of a "pro" shop.

Was the kanji there already, and the rest of the tattoo worked around it? Or was it all designed in one piece? Why is the kanji overlapping with the star? What is that weird black V at the top? It's all a total mystery, and it's all TERRIBLE.

This just makes me think of a pile of pubes, I'm sorry.

...... I don't even know what to say about this. It's not as terrible as the others but it just seems so... sad.

Chasity - Artistry of Unsound Minds

Hi all !!

Some of you might know about the Blood, Sex & Ink Tour which will be held in Melbourne and Tasmania, Australia in 2009 !!

So, in accordance to that, I would be bringing something closer to home for the folks here and also to those who will be visiting the Singapore Tattoo Convention in January 2009 !!

This is not a tour but more of a private event where 3 main elements will be showcased - Inking on Skin & Paper and Photography, brought to you by Immortal Tattoos, Singapore.

Venue : Immortal Tattoos, Singapore
Date : 8th Jan 2009 - 12th Jan 2009
Time : Not Confirmed

Looking for -

*5 human canvases to be Inked.
*5 Artist of Different Medium to put their flavors on Paper.
*8 Females with Tattoos to be Photographed.

Want to be part of it?

Do let us know on why we should choose you for this one time event in a lifetime !!

Just email me @

Please note -
*Ladies who wish to be Photographed should email their pictures.
*Artist should email their artwork.
*The Human Canvases are free to give an idea of what they want but at the end of the day, its entirely up to the artist.

One of My Artwork that I have been working on.

Hannya Mask - Idea of Hori Mouja

Media - Pencil,Marker and Oil Pastel on Drawing Paper

2 Koi

Hello all....

Its been awhile since I have updated anything in here... Been busy with life ( Even though it sucks most of the time ) and new projects. Well, anyway, did this piece a day ago. Enjoy !

Down with the Sickness

Hi all....

Its been awhile since I have updated this blog. I have been busy with new projects at the moment and I was down with a viral infection to my throat
(Damn Pizzas !! ) and I was not in the right condition to tattoo for the past 1 week or so. I am still recovering from it and I would be back tattooing in couple of days...Hopefully !!

Sorry to keep you guys waiting !!

Vasantham Central

Hello Everyone !!

Immortal Tattoos, Singapore will be featured on Vasantham Central on the 23rd October 2008 @ 10PM

This is the first ever appearance on the media (Locally) by Immortal Tattoos, Singapore.

Do check it out !!

FaceBook Group !!

Hello all !!

Immortal Tattoos, Singapore has now launched a group on

Do join in the fun !!

Click here : Immortal Tattoos, Singapore

Vine Tattoo Leg

The ever increasing trend now, seems to be catching on. Without a doubt, limits are pushed to move this "styled" tattoo in bigger scales than what it was, originally.

Due to the increasing popularity of this tattoo, I will control the number of people getting it done, so as to, it will not become too common in time to come. Therefore, I will push the limits even further by doing various variations in accordance to this style !!

I guess I owe the "Lovely Ms.Kim" a kiss, for the inspiration tothe many out there!! Woo hoo !!

Violin's Tattoo

Due to the recent popularity tattoo of Ms.Kim's tattoo, ( Which was done on the 2nd Event of Immortal Nite @ Chillies) I had a request from my friend Violin, to do something similar on a bigger scale.

Enoy it !!


My dear boys and girls. I truly apologize for the extremely long hiatus.

Over the past month, lots have been going on personally and it somewhat did affect me in lots of ways and it took my mind off completely in giving you guys out there what you need.

I am taking a break from life and looking for a fresh start but business still resumes as usual at Immortal Tattoos, Singapore.

Love ya all !!

I understood one thing -

Life is the strongest drug ; you will never know what kind of trip you are getting yourself into. Just like every other drug, to Life, there are side effects. - The Memories. - Kugan of Immortal Tattoos, Singapore !!
The much awaited pictures of my studio with a newer look !!

The Main Entrance

Inside the Studio

The Reception. Hahaha !!

This is where the blood letting and ink stabbing happens. My Workarea !!

Hope to see you guys in my studio soon. Muacks !!
Ambigram tattoo !! - Live Forever -

It reads the same if you flip the picture around.

A random Native Indian Ideology translated...

Shop Revamp

Here are some of the pictures of the works being done to the studio.

Talk about being messy.... !!

Since the whole studio was gonna be painted, I decided to draw on some swastikas !!

The lovely angels will be going up the wall as well !! Stay tuned for more pictures of the New Look of Immortal Tattoos !!

Long Haitus

Ladies and Gentlemen, the loyal followers and readers to this blog - I apologize for the long hiatus.

I have been very busy with revamping the studio, dealing with newer bigger projects, facing dumb asses and figuring out whether to sue "someone" who messed with Immortal Tattoos, Singapore.

I have revamped this blog a little as well, and I am still trying to make it bit more better.

I have added the Tattoo Appointments and Deposits column on the left, so it will be more easier to understand the rule and nature.

I promise to upload more stuffs in couple of days or maybe in a week or two !! So, stay tuned !!

Correction on the Dell tattoo

Okay, so a while back I posted here about really bad logo tattoos. One in particular stood out, a Dell tattoo:

To me, Dell is a kind of lame, nothing-brand-- not one that I thought anybody would be stoked about enough to get it branded on them for life. So I made fun of the dude with the Dell tattoo. He emailed me today:

"i am emailing you. about your post about tattoos, 1 special one tho, the dell tattoo, see that tattoo is actually my tattoo, see my name is Todd Dell, in my life i always got the DUDE YOUR GETTING A DELL. and stuff like that i always laughed it off, so my friend was like dude you should get the LOGO tattoo on you i was like sure, thus knowing i could get away with it, no im not a nerd, i dont even own a dell computer, im actually a mma fighter lol."

So, I take it back. Sorry, Dell guy. You have a sense of humor about your name and you got a tattoo to prove it. You are officially awesome.

Correction on the Dell tattoo

Okay, so a while back I posted here about really bad logo tattoos. One in particular stood out, a Dell tattoo:

To me, Dell is a kind of lame, nothing-brand-- not one that I thought anybody would be stoked about enough to get it branded on them for life. So I made fun of the dude with the Dell tattoo. He emailed me today:

"i am emailing you. about your post about tattoos, 1 special one tho, the dell tattoo, see that tattoo is actually my tattoo, see my name is Todd Dell, in my life i always got the DUDE YOUR GETTING A DELL. and stuff like that i always laughed it off, so my friend was like dude you should get the LOGO tattoo on you i was like sure, thus knowing i could get away with it, no im not a nerd, i dont even own a dell computer, im actually a mma fighter lol."

So, I take it back. Sorry, Dell guy. You have a sense of humor about your name and you got a tattoo to prove it. You are officially awesome.

X Files Tattoos

I am the biggest fan of the X-Files EVER and in anticipation of the movie I Want To Believe coming out tonight, I posted about X-Files tattoos on Fun Vampires (my permanent home for bad tattoo postings).

X Files Tattoos

I am the biggest fan of the X-Files EVER and in anticipation of the movie I Want To Believe coming out tonight, I posted about X-Files tattoos on Fun Vampires (my permanent home for bad tattoo postings).

Immortal Tattoos Singapore - Mini Documentary

I was interviewed regarding issues about Tattoos being Taboo in Singapore.

Check it out !!

Save the Swastika - Part 1

Immortal Tattoos, Singapore brings to you SAVE THE SWASTIKA - Campaign ( In regards to ManWoman and )

Immortal Tattoos, Singapore - is the first in Singapore to follow out the campaign in order to protect and reclaim history behind the SWASTIKA !!

Immortal Tattoos, Singapore - will be working closely with ManWoman, who has been on 40 year mission in protecting and reclaiming the innocence of the Swastika.

Our aim is to detoxify the Swastika and preserve the History. Hitler did not create the Swastika - HE STOLE IT !!

Immortal Tattoos, Singapore - will be doing free Swastika tattoos to the first 13 customers every month, to spread the word and to change the mindset of the millions who still regard the Swastika as a EVIL symbol.

I thank ManWoman in lending me a hand and for the support. And I ask the thousands of viewers who come to this blog for the support !!

Love ya all !!

Check out more on

What a Phrase?!

A tattoo which I did for my customer today, made me understand of how comical life can be in its own way. It made me realise of how simple life is.

A beautiful tattoo which not many would prefer it on their body. A statement which differs you from the rest. Well, it is for life - So might as well, live with it !!

Happy 2nd Bday - Immortal Tattoos

Immortal Tattoos, Singapore turns 2 !!

What better way to celebrate it than have a Indoor Beach Party @ Chillies !!

Ms.Kim and Myself

Ms.Kim rockin' out !!

Vicky - The Bouncer and Myself

Don't ask me how this picture came about..It just did !!

I am not part of it !! Really !! Oh My !!

Dave being the photographer - For few seconds and...

The Surfer Boys?!

Hate us for being party animals!!

Nethia - The new crew member...

Do the Egyptian walk, my friend..

Arghhhhhh !! Incredible Hulk - Part 27

Dust has settled for the Night. Too much magic in the system...

Now !! Get the paparazzis out !! out !! out !!

I thank everyone for the support over the 2 years !! Till then, you guys know where to find us !!


Feel the wrath !! Another random Demon tattoo.

Tribal Chest

Had a customer walk in today to get something around the tribal dragon which he already had. So I created something for him and did what I was suppose to do.

He left with a big smile on his face. Another satisfied customer at Immortal Tattoos, Singapore !!

Please note that the Tribal Dragon was NOT done by me.

Skull on Fist

Another Skull done on the fist !!

Design Credited to Bob Tyrell. The Legend !!

Check his works here -

Skull Over Scars

I had my friend Naren come in today, wanting to get something to cover up the scars he had on his inner forearm region. What better thing to do over the scars? A skull of course !!

The skull image is used in several religious cultures. The Indian god Kali is pictured with skulls in her wrathful form. Within the Kabbalistic tree of life, the skull symbolizes not death but rebirth, and is a celebration, not mournful time.

In Day of the Dead celebrations in Mexico, the skull is a reminder of death, but it reminds people that while death is a misfortune, it can also be seen as “the ultimate liberation.”

Gamblers enjoy using the skull as a “reverse bad luck” charm, hoping it will bring them good fortune. When used by gamblers, it is often accompanied by black cats and dice rolling seven.

Not all meanings are positive, however. The Nazi SS used the death’s head as a symbol, and many neo-Nazis still use the symbol in tattoos to this day.

For more :

4th Event @ Chillies

Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls of all ages who have helped in contributing to the counter hits by clicking on my site for the past year or so. I thank you all !!

The 4th Event - The Final Event. Immortal Nite @ Chillies !!

Before I start off, I just want to let you guys know, we were all wasted even before the whole tattoo event began for that night. How did we pull it off? Well, what can I say? Feast your eyes on the visuals!!

(*For those who don't know what the term "wasted" is, I don't wish to explain anyway.) Hehe !!

Dave - The Man - The Canvas - Al Pacino's Body Double !!

Yes !! We are the Golden Girls...

Naren - Ma' Boy !! ( The one who got the Dotted Chucky in my very first event )

Feeding Time for Ms.Kim - Oh No !!

No idea what they looking at, but ya...

Area is Reserved? Where did that come from?

Rock on !! Lets get the engine started !!

I have no memory of posing for this picture...Trust me!!

So here we go. Rain or shine or being wasted - Show must go on!

So this is what we have in the end..But, the Party doesn't stop here for us !!

I swear its just Lime Juice !! Ask Dave, he will tell you...

Too Much of Magic in the System !!

Rockin On with Kim !!

Dave - Partyin on !!

What can I say? Emo Moments? EMO SUCK !!

Without a doubt, Dave stole the night, going home wasted, getting tattooed and what more can you get?

Hereby, I am signing off again !! See ya'all again real soon !! Thanks for the support and Love ya'all !!